Want to be part of Techchore Community?
Are you a Tech enthusiast like us? Do you want to share what you know? Did you discover new tricks or tweaks on your PC, MAC, Linux, Smartphones, Android and any security software that you want others to know too? Then you’ve come to the right place at the right time. This is the time to show to the world your worth and that you want to do something for them. To educate or help them on any tech-related problems that they are facing.
How to become a Contributor?
Simply send us a message through our “contact us” page, expressing your intention to become a contributor and don’t forget to include your personal information (such as: name, email, age, website/company etc..). Then, you will receive a reply from us, just follow the further instructions.
Who can become a contributor?
Anyone who are serious enough. Mostly, Techchore contributors comes from individual who also owns a website or company. However, it is not a requirement. As long as you are serious on sharing what you know, can write it in simple English you are qualified.
What to write?
Techchore.com is a tech blog that focuses on PC and mobile security. So any review about antivirus, anti-malware, data recovery, cloud computing and any relevant content is acceptable. How about how-to-guide? You can write any tutorials on removing viruses, windows tips, Linux, Mac, Android and any computer tweaks.
Contributor’s responsibility
As contributor it is your responsibility to provide unique and quality content. Your content must have at least 800 words.
Scrapped content is not allowed. It is not a good practice to give a copy-cat content here at Techchore.com. All contents will go through rigid screening that includes, grammar, plagiarism test and etc. by our Editor-in-Chief before it goes live in Techchore.com.
Plagiarism is strictly prohibited here in our Techchore community because we ourselves doesn’t like our content being copied by anyone and publish as their own. So, please don’t give us scrapped content because doing so will banned you forever from Techchore community.
If you write just because of link-building then we are very sorry. We only allow (1) no-follow link at your biography and (1) do-follow link in your content but at our own discretion. This is to avoid being penalized by BIG “G”, which is good for both of us.
You are also required to write at least one (1) article per month, after (3) three months that you haven’t post any article your account will be automatically closed.
We also need you to disclose at least one of your social media account to prove your real identity. A recent image of yours is a must.
Upon applying as Techchore community contributor you agree with this terms and the Techchore.com terms of service.
Content Copyright
Once an article is accepted and published on our website techchore.com, TECHCHORE holds the complete copyright of the content and the same content cannot be re-used by YOU/author for any further online or offline publishing.
We respect our contributor and assume they are great subject matter experts. We expect you to write your article based on your experience and expertise only. We strictly follow copyright laws and hence, we do not accept any content which has been copied from any other websites, books, or other copyright-protected resources.
How to submit your article?
Email us through our “contact us” page that you are interested to contribute for TECHCHORE.COM. Wait at least 24 hours for us to reply and follow the instructions given.
Advantages of becoming a Contributor
Techchore.com is currently having more than 100K unique visitors per month and more that 250K impressions. We also have almost 13K fans on our Facebook page. Most of our users are tech enthusiast that has a high interest in Windows, virus removal, cloud computing, data recovery, antivirus software, anti-malware, android and any tech related tutorials.
Every content that you make or contribute will be optimized for SEO. It will also be shared on all media outlets that Techchore community has. What does it mean for you? It means greater exposure for your name or brand.
If you look at the numbers it is not really a big one but I guess it is good enough to give you exposure or your site/company.
Having questions? Please email us through our “Contact us” page.